Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Kid's Story

Here's a newish kid's story I wrote. I actually have a copywrite on this...silly, I know. So no stealing! Hope you enjoy...

Little Boy Toe Nails

There was once a little boy

With the strangest dream in the world

To have the longest toenails

No matter how much they curled

He grew his toenails

And they grew and they grew

He grew his toenails

Till they shot through his shoes

But as weeks passed by

His sister started to wail

“Little boy, little boy,

You must cut your toenails!”

But the boy had a dream

No matter how strange it was

So he followed his heart

And he did what he loved

He grew his toenails

And they grew and they grew

He grew his toenails

Longer than a canoe

But as weeks passed by

His mother screamed without fail

“Little boy, little boy,

You must cut your toenails!”

But the boy had a dream

No matter how strange it was

So he followed his heart

And he did what he loved

He grew his toenails

And they grew and they grew

He grew his toenails

Like he lived in a zoo

But as weeks passed by

His father shook and he flailed

“Little boy, little boy,

You must cut your toenails!”

The family was angry

At the little boy’s dream

So they drew up a plan

Even if it seemed mean

That night in the dark

They tiptoed with joy

To cut the boy’s toenails

Like all other boys

But poof! In a flash!

Fire filled up the hall

They ran to a room

There were no exits at all

In the corner they stayed

Alone and afraid

Until the little boy came

Ready to save

With his feet out the window

He said, “Follow me!”

“Slide down my toenails

And down to safety!”

So the family all slid

One by one to the ground

Until the boy was alone

There was no one around

It was then the boy thought

No matter how strange it was

“I’ll get to my family

using all that I love.”

He cut off his toenails

And tied them like rope

He lassoed a tree branch

And swung with all hope

Swinging next to his family

He shouted “Ahoy!”

“Yay,” said the family

“What a brave little boy!”

The fire soon ended

The family never did part

Everyone was thankful

The boy followed his heart

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